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Witty system is a cognitive reactive training system made up of individual photocells boasting a 6 x 5 LED matrix. These photocells are capable of projecting any number, letter or directional arrow in an array of colours allowing the user to pre-define or randomise testing protocols to incorporate reaction, agility and cognitive strategy.

Further to this the Witty system incorporates several Brain Training modules allowing the user to enhance key cognitive processes such as brain speed, pattern identification and decision making capabilities.

Flexible configuration of the system makes it possible to manage and customise various types of tests via the Witty timer and the Witty Manager software:

  • Witty system indicator as a start semaphore with or without countdown to manage starts at pre-set times
  • Agility tests. Various agility test modes available using the indicator in standalone mode or in combination with a photocell.
  • Direction change tests
  • Reactivity tests for specific work on motor-cognitive and coordination skills.
Sports Performance and Rehabilitation Treadmills

“With the development of the Witty system, new opportunities have emerged for the examination of complex coordination activities. The system allows for adaptation of popular motor tests and the creation of individual coordination tests adjusted to the specific nature of various sports.” Possibilities for Applying the Witty Sem System in the Diagnosis, Optimization and Control of Athletic Training Ewelina Kolodziej, Janusz Jaworski, Dariusz Tchorzewski

WITTY System

Sports Performance and Rehabilitation Treadmills - Non-motorised Treadmills