Movement Analysis
myoVIDEO (clinical)
Fully integrated 2D Video Analysis solution that uses powerful analysis software to capture and compare markers for multiple joints, angle tracking, gait analysis, sports performance analysis and more. Medical grade video documentation ensures you never miss a moment and that your video is always perfectly synchronized.
Contemplas – FMS
TEMPLO Functional Movement Screening is a specialised module of TEMPLO motion analysis software which includes structured workflows for a variety of functional movement screening tests. The FMS module has been specially designed for analysing functional, sports and neurological movement abilities and skills, using the TEMPLO software. The software guides you through the analysis of different test methods.
Microgate – Gyko
GyKo performs a quick and accurate analysis of motion and monitors the progress of performance during rehabilitation and/or training phase.
Zebris Balori
The innovative Balori® method is holistic balance and coordination training system that combines a zebris pressure distribution platform with a motion capture camera and avatar for virtual reality training sequences.
- Quantify the deficit in terms of joint function or muscle strength between a limb and injured limb.
- Evaluate and measure the subject's balance in different situations and/or on different surfaces.
- Monitor the exercise intensity with real-time visual bio-feedback via a work threshold that can be selected by the user.
- Trace and report the subject's recovery during the entire rehabilitation process.
- Functional coordination training for improved reaction time.
- Built-in fully automated instruction program.
- Balance training for fall prevention and improving environment adaptability.
- Strength training for a healthy back and stable joints.
- Easy-to-use, virtual 3D instruction with an avatar on the large screen turns the coordination and balance training from head to toe into child’s play!