Medical Treadmills for Stress Testing & Rehabilitation
Enabling advanced recovery
For the last decade, researchers and engineers from the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University and HDT Robotics, Inc. have worked together to bring clinicians a novel therapy system for gait and balance recovery. This system, called the KineAssist - MX provides clinicians with evidence based tools and treatment guidelines to get patients back in the community confidently and doing more than they did before (Brown et al.).
The KineAssist integrates with a wide range of existing practice settings and easily adapts to the environment providing the ability to safely challenge patients in real-life environments, such as over ground walking, step climbing, standing balance and dynamic balance therapy.

kineassist - m x
Any patient that is medically cleared for gait and balance therapy is appropriate for the KineAssist-MX, focusing on training activities and skills related to walking and upright balance
• Aerobic Endurance Training
• Gait Pattern Training
• Strength Training
• Speed of Movement Training
• Dynamic Balance Training
• Walking training under challenging conditions

Many of the features that make WOODWAY treadmills more comfortable also make them more durable. Unlike most conventional treadmills you see with a conveyor belt style running surface made from standard thin PVC, nylon, and cotton, WOODWAY treadmills feature a unique running surface of vulcanized rubber. This allows our running surface to last for more than 150,000 miles, roughly ten times longer than the belt of an average treadmill. Each treadmill is designed to create significantly less friction and wear, resulting in a belt that will never need tracking adjustments and you will never have to wax or flip a deck because there isn’t one.
Woodway Kineassist